At Broadway House for Continuing Care, we’re blessed to have community partners who support our mission and the journey of recovery for our residents. From businesses and charitable groups to high school students, they made the holidays brighter for Broadway House residents. A host of local organizations donated presents, and Freedom Pharmacy sponsored a festive Chinese food luncheon for residents and Broadway House staff on Christmas day.
Perhaps the most touching example of this generosity of spirit came from a group of students from Bergen County Technical High School. Their club, No Matter What We Stand United, created hand-crafted holiday cards for Broadway House residents, many of whom have no family or close friends. The simple, yet powerful, gesture brought smiles—and even tears of joy. “Broadway House residents were very touched by the cards,” said Cheryl Morse, MA, ATR-BC, LAC, Art Therapist. “One resident was incredulous that someone thought of her at the holidays. She asked, ‘For me?’ Another said to me, ‘This brings a tear to my eye. It’s so thoughtful and beautiful.’”
No Matter What We Stand United was founded by student Hunter Porro, the son of Elizabeth Porro, the Administrative Assistant to Broadway House President & Chief Executive Officer James Gonzalez, MPH, FACHE, LNHA. Hunter said, “The club has 85 members and is devoted to helping the local community through drives, volunteer opportunities, and outreach initiatives. To date, the organization has moved over 10,000 pounds of food and volunteered for over 500 hours.”
All of our community partners and staff brought so much joy to Broadway House this season—see the photos below.