Broadway House for Continuing Care Medical Director, Dr. Rodolfo Munera, recently shared his motivations for becoming a doctor with Gannett for a special supplement called “Salute to Physicians,” due out in March. He was one of six doctors from around the country profiled in a story on their motivations for choosing a career in medicine.
Dr. Munera grew up in Cartagena, Colombia. As a child, he observed the struggles faced by people living in poverty. He told Gannett, “I saw many people of poor communities struggling with stigmas of poverty, diseases, limited education, and poor self-esteem.” When he came to the United States, the HIV pandemic hit, sealing his dedication to devote his career to infectious diseases and serving vulnerable populations affected by HIV/AIDS. In his interview with Gannett, Dr. Munera added, “I worked to be instrumental to the service and treatment of people with this illness and continue to help prolong their life. For me, my love of life resides in helping others.”