Frequently Asked Questions
Many residents, prospective residents, and their families and friends have questions about Broadway House and the HIV/AIDS virus. This page is a resource where you can find answers to some of the most commonly asked questions.
Broadway House FAQs
Can I keep my apartment while I am at Broadway House?
Yes, but the financial arrangements will be the resident’s responsibility.
Can I keep my own doctor?
Yes, but your doctor will have to agree to be available on call 24 hours.
What happens when I am ready to leave?
The Broadway House Department of Social Services is here to help with every aspect of your discharge. Through our Discharge for Life program we’ll make sure you reenter your community safely, with shelter, job training and placement, as well as help obtaining entitlement programs such as Medicaid or Social Security.
What are the extras that I will be responsible for?
You’ll need clothing, cigarettes, and special toiletry items that are not provided through our facility. However, Broadway House receives lots of donations such as clothes, shoes and coats which residents are encouraged to take.
What religious services can I go to?
We have a non-denominational chaplain on staff, along with a variety of volunteer church groups.
What other payment sources do you accept?
We take Medicaid, Medicare, Private Pay, and Private Insurance.
Do I have to share a room with someone?
The Broadway House policy is two people to a room, unless special medical circumstances require a patient to need a single room.
Can I have visitors?
Yes, visits from friends and family are actively encouraged.
What is AIDS?
AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is caused by infection of the virus called human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV.
What is HIV?
HIV is a blood-borne virus that is transmitted by sexual contact (intercourse, oral sex, anal sex) and blood-to-blood contact. In addition, infected pregnant women can transmit HIV to their babies during pregnancy or delivery, as well as through breast feeding. The virus destroys an individual’s immune system so that their body is more susceptible to a wide range of infections and cancers.
Individuals with HIV are diagnosed as having an HIV infection. The majority of these persons will develop AIDS as a result of their HIV infection.
What body fluids transmit HIV?
The following body fluids have been proven to spread HIV:
- Blood
- Semen
- Vaginal fluid
- Breast milk
- Other body fluids containing blood
Additional body fluids that may transmit the virus include:
- Fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord
- Fluid surrounding bone joints
- Fluid surrounding an unborn baby
What does a person with HIV look like?
A person with HIV may or may not look sick. People infected with the virus often look and feel healthy in the early stages of HIV infection. Actually, infected individuals can carry the virus for several years before they become sick. Keep in mind however, an infected person can pass the virus to others whether they look sick or not.
Can you get AIDS from sharing food and drinks?
No. The amount of HIV present in saliva is insufficient to cause infection.
Can you get AIDS from casual contact (shaking hands, hugging, etc)?
No. HIV is not transmitted by day-to-day social contact; it is not transmitted by shaking hands, using public toilets, or being around AIDS patients who sneeze or cough. HIV is not airborne, water-borne nor food-borne. In fact, the HIV virus cannot survive long outside the body.
Can you get AIDS from open-mouth kissing?
Open-mouthed kissing is considered to be a very low-risk activity for transmission of HIV. However, opens sores or cuts within the mouth increase this risk.
How effective are latex condoms in preventing HIV transmission?
Studies have shown that latex condoms are highly effective in preventing the transmission of HIV when used consistently and properly. Latex condoms have been shown to be 99% effective in preventing HIV transmission.
What techniques are used by healthcare personnel to prevent HIV transmission?
- Routine use of barriers, such as sterile gloves, when in contact with blood or body fluids.
- Thorough washing of hands and other skin surfaces directly following contact with blood or body fluids.
- Careful handling and disposal of sharp instruments, such as needle sticks, during and after use.