COVID-19 Status

October 8, 2024:


As of August 1, 2024, the facility is in outbreak status. This means that there is greater than one confirmed case of COVID-19 in the facility.  Outbreaks are considered concluded when 28 days have passed from the last confirmed case’s onset.

The facility is in close communication with the Department of Health regarding guidance during the outbreak.

    Our COVID-19 statistics are as follows:

    Date of first confirmed case:  8.1.2024
    Date of most recent confirmed case: 10.08.2024
    Number of confirmed cases:  12
    Number of confirmed resident cases:  2
    Number of confirmed staff cases: 10
    Number of resolved cases: 11
    Number of hospitalizations:  0
    Number of COVID-19 related deaths:  0

    Masking is required while in the facility.
    Social distancing is expected.


    Visitation is allowed as always; we ask that you do not visit if you have cold or flu-like symptoms.

    Those residents on isolation will have the ability to communicate with family.  We strongly encourage the use of alternative means of communication such as FaceTime, Zoom meetings, and telephone calls until isolation is discontinued.

    Visiting a resident in isolation on Transmission Based Precautions is allowed. In these situations, only 1 visitor at a time is allowed in the room and the visitor must wear all appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). The nurse will provide instructions to you on how to put the items on and remove them.  The items include the following:

    • Gown
    • Mask (N95)
    • Face shield or eye goggles
    • Gloves

    Visits may continue to take place in the common areas, outside or in resident rooms providing we can ensure safe social distancing, which is a 6 foot distance between persons.

    Visitors are also encouraged to wear snug fitting masks upon entering the facility.  If they do not have a mask, one will be provided for them. Currently, masking is not a mandate, but that may change at any time during the outbreak period.

    It is suggested that visitors follow infection control protocol and wash hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based sanitizer upon entering and exiting facility.

      COVID-19 Testing

      COVID-19 Testing of Staff

      • COVID-19 home test kits are available for all staff.  If employees exhibit signs and symptoms, they should test at home before coming to work.
      • Staff should not come to work if sick.

      COVID-19 Testing of Residents

      • COVID testing of residents takes place if symptoms present or if it is identified that exposure to COVID-19 has taken place.

      COVID Testing

      • COVID testing for visitors is not mandated but strongly encouraged by the facility.  Broadway House continues to provide COVID testing on site upon request in addition to providing information on where you may receive COVID-19 vaccinations in the city and surrounding communities.


      All residents and staff are vaccinated, with medical exemptions for two staff members.

      Facility Interventions taken to date to encourage vaccination and boosters

      • Monthly on-site vaccination opportunities for residents and staff
      • All 3 COVID-19 vaccines are made available
      • In-service sessions by the medical director and pharmacist
      • Opportunities for individual or small group sessions with the CEO and medical director

      James Gonzalez, MPH, FACHE, LHNA
      973.268-9797, ext. 1004

      Lois Beatty, BSN, RN
      COVID-19 Coordinator, Director of Quality & Patient Affairs
      973.268-9797, ext. 1005

      Elaine Brown, RN, MSN, CNE
      Director of Nursing
      973.268-9797, ext. 1067

      Gloria Horton, CSW   
      Director of Social Services
      973.268-9797, ext. 1115

      Korvette Hinton-Woods, CSW
      Director of Activities, Interns, and Volunteers
      973.268-9797, ext. 1035

      Donnamarie Lynch, MBA, MHA, PhD
      Chief Operating Officer

      973.268-9797, ext. 1265